I found these questions online and thought some of you might find it fun to see how much we really do know about practical sexual matters... So here is a little quiz...Answers on Monday..but if you can't wait email me either at facebook or at myintimateguru@gmail.com
Have fun.....share the questions with your partners... some of the answers are very interesting and it will be fascinating to see the difference of the male response to the female response.
1. In which of the following ways are men’s and women’s sex drives different?
1. Women are more likely to call themselves bisexual
2. Women are more influenced by the attitudes of their peer group in decisions about sex
3. A woman's willingness to perform various sexual practices is more likely to change over time
4. All of the above
2. What’s the average length of an erect penis?
1. 4 to 5 inches
2. 5 to 6 inches
3. 7 to 8 inches
4. 8 to 10 inches
3. Which gender has a higher preference for reaching orgasm through oral sex?
1. Men
2. Women
4. How long is it before the average man ejaculates during sexual intercourse?
1. 5.4 minutes
2. 9.1 minutes
3. 18.7 minutes
4. 32.6 minutes
5. Stress can make a man’s penis shrink.
1. True
2. False
6. Older women are more likely to experience orgasm when sex is within the context of a relationship.
1. True
2. False
7. Masturbation can:
1. Improve sexual function
2. Cause sexual dysfunction
3. Cause genital injury
4. All of the above
8. Most women under age 60 think about sex less than once a day.
1. True
2. False
9. What percentage of women say they always have an orgasm during sex with their partner?
1. 14
2. 29
3. 48
4. 74
10. What percentage of men say they always have an orgasm during sex with their partner?
1. 39
2. 60
3. 75
4. 93
11. Most women can have an orgasm without direct stimulation of the clitoris.
1. True
2. False
12. The G-spot is a sexually sensitive part of a women's anatomy found in the anterior wall of the vagina?
1. True
2. False
13. Sexual activity can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack in older people.
1. True
2. False
And now the answers:
1. Answer: All of the Above
Experts say women's sexual inclinations are more complicated than men's. While men are very rigid and specific about who they become aroused by, women have less-directed sex drives. Researchers say women are more likely to call themselves bisexual and that their sex drives overall are more “fluid” and can be more heavily influenced by social and cultural factor
2. Answer: 5 to 6 inches
Erect, the average penis length is between 5 and 6 inches. When flaccid, penis size averages around 3.5 inches
3. Answer: Women
Only 10% of men reported a preference for oral sex to achieve orgasm, while 18% of women reported that preference. Men are more likely to reach orgasm when sex includes vaginal intercourse, but women are more likely to reach orgasm when they engage in a variety of sex acts that include vaginal intercourse or oral sex.
4. Answer: 5.4 minute
A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that the average duration from the beginning of vaginal penetration until ejaculation was 5.4 minutes
5. Answer: True
One more reason for men to avoid stress: It can make your penis shrink, if only temporarily. A man’s flaccid penis varies in size considerably because of various environmental factors and their effects on the sympathetic nervous system. Cold water and cold air are perhaps the best known causes of this “shrinkage” phenomenon, but psychological stress can do the same thing
6. Answer: True
Women over 50 are more likely to report orgasm when a sexual event is with someone who is not a relationship partner. Researchers speculate that many newly divorced or widowed women may find the novelty of a new partner arousing. What I find interesting about this is that it gave me some inspiration as to how women over 50 (and all women and men of any age) can actually add some novelty and “newness” to their existing relationship. Have a look at my short blog on sexual spontaneity, However there are more than the practical methods for spicing up your love life...how well are you communicating in your partnership? It is possible that improving your communication skills will give you the tools to help you to achieve a more loving and fulfilling sexual experiences with your partner? the resounding answer is yes..although orgasm is a physical bodily function the ability to achieve orgasm seems to be closely associated with performance pressure and especially for women an unwillingness to pursue pleasure, as separate from the other person's satisfaction. Often, women worry so much about the pleasure of their partner that they become anxious, which manifests as a delay of orgasm for them. This delay can lead to frustration of not reaching orgasmic sexual satisfaction. If this is a problem for you in your relationship please feel free to contact me in complete confidence.
7. Answer: All of the Above
Most masturbation is safe and healthy, sex therapists say. And it can improve sexual function and relationships by teaching both men and women about their own sexual responses, so they’re better able to explain to their partner what feels good to them. However, people who become too obsessed with solo sex can develop sexual problems or lose interest in sex with their partners. Finally, masturbation can, in fact, cause injury; frequent or overly vigorous masturbation can irritate the skin of the penis, and men who masturbate face-down can injure their urethras. Interesting answer this. I am not sure I entirely agree totally with the whole answer to this question...
”people who become too obsessed with solo sex can develop sexual problems or lose interest in sex with their partners”If you find yourself or your partner in this situation it may be helpful to seek out some professional advice.
“masturbation can, in fact, cause injury; frequent or overly vigorous masturbation can irritate the skin of the penis or clitorus, and men who masturbate face-down can injure their urethras”Whilst this is of course possible, it really does depend on the frequency and duration of masturbation, masturbation like all sexual activity usually relies on friction to achieve stimulation, excessive friction can cause skin irritation...I would always recommend using a good intimate lubricant such as KY jelly if you are planning an extended sex session!
8. Answer: True
While the majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day, only about one-quarter of women report this level of frequency. As men and women age, each fantasize less, but men still fantasize about twice as often
9. Answer: 29
Among women who are part of a couple, 29% report that they always have an orgasm. What a surprising answer...71% of women are not achieving orgasm with their partners on a regular basis! This is a huge quantity! Now..I have two lines of thought...I really do believe that when we make love we should be concentrating on the journey not the Goal...did you know that an orgasm actually only lasts about 5-15 seconds? However, If women are regularly not able to achieve orgasm then there is certainly a problem to which there is definitely a solution. If you are not able to achieve orgasm on a reasonably regular basis or not at all, then please seek professional help. There really are many causes of the problem ranging from purely mechanical to relationship issues, past experiences, time management problems etc., if this is a problem for you please feel free to contact me privately.
10. Answer: 75
Among men who are part of a couple, 75% report that they always have an orgasm. Not such a high number as for the ladies..however the same applies as above...please feel free to contact me privately if this is a particular problem for you.
11. Answer: False
Most women require clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. For women who have trouble achieving orgasm, incorporating clitoral stimulation into sexual activity may be all that is necessary
12. Answer: false...but actually a little confusing!
Whether the G-spot exists is a matter of debate. Popularized by a 1982 book, the G-spot is a region found behind the pubic bone that has been credited as the trigger for a vaginal (vs. clitoral) orgasm, and even a catalyst for female ejaculation. However, some experts note that there’s no unique anatomical structure where the G-spot is supposed to be located. If the G-spot exists, it’s best described as an erogenous zone rather than a part of a woman’s anatomy. I found this answer particularly confusing..The area we are talking about whether we give it a name or not is certainly located on the anterior wall of the vagina... Have a look at the diagram below..the whole area I have labelled in green is particularly sensitive its also important to note that the clitorus is just not the visible part that we can see from outside..the spongy and erectile tissue of the clitorus engulfs a far wider area and when a women is aroused the erectile tissue swells and extends not just outwardly but inwardly as well .
13. Answer: false
While people with a history of stroke or heart disease should consult their doctors about sexual activity, for the most part, sex is a healthy form of exercise for older people. Researchers who tracked 914 men for 20 years found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half, compared with those who had sex less than once a month. They also found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke