Monday, 21 February 2011

Enjoying sexual spontaneity

Sex does not always have to be in pre-arranged in a pre-ordained manner. I fact some people get so ingrained in certain pattern of behaviour during sex that when faced with something outside of their norm they simply cannot manage they fail to orgasm, fail to relax, fail to achieve or maintain erection. Sex most certainly should never become boring and it never needs to, part of enjoying spontaneity is enjoy having fun, exploring, laughter and sex a fantastic combination. You may feel, well I have been with my husband/wife/partner for x amount of years, and we always do this/that..its the way they like it! So why not surprise them, for example; blind fold him/her and use a feathers up and down his/her body and over his/her delicate bits! they will love it. Offer him a massage, use some warm perfumed oil, take it slowly and turn it into a sensual event using silks and feathers, light touch, firm touch in fact have a hunt around the house you will be amazed at how many everyday objects can become sex toys.... feather dusters, dust-catchers, silk scarves, strings of beads, alternating drips of icy water and hot water, rubbing ice cubes gently over the skin, fingernails! One last thing and I know this may sound a little 1950's housewifey but really its good advice If he/she comes home at lunchtime, for example, and is feeling sexy, don’t frown and say you really don't have time and say yes please!!! you will feel great afterwards and for the rest of the day.

Coming soon.....My Intimate Guru's guide to the perfect evening at home with the one you love.
Please remember if you have an questions you can email me privately at

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